JUAL CHEMRAY 240 MURAH , JUAL MURAH CHEMRAY 240, JUAL CHEMRAY 240, MURAHH PALING MURAH!!!!!! JAVA FORTUNA KREASINDO-JAKARTA Jl. Taman Malaka Selatan no.11 Pondok Kelapa, Jakarta Timur Telp. 021- 44288188 Fax. 021-30930086 Hp.081.354.111.935 - 085740.574.999 - 08788.167.6116 pin BB: 2997389c email: javafortuna@hotmail.com atau javafortuna RAYTO CHEMRAY 240 HARGA 135juta GARANSI 1TAHUN FULL Spect - Merk : RAYTO / CHEMRAY 240 - Buatan : China Features : - Automatic, Random Access - Up to 240 test per hour - Reagent pre-heating, liquid level detection - Automatic 10 steps washimh system (optinal), Low carry-over - Labor saving, simple programming and real walk-away operation - 24 hours non-sto[ reagent cooling compartment - Reagent open system, close system on request - Micro-volume for sample and reagent - User-friendly software based on Windows XP Technical Spesification : System Function - Throughput : Up to 240 tests per hour - Contents of the testing: Clinical chemistry,...